
迪拜山庄又一王炸项目强势来袭 Parkland稳中求进的绝佳投资产品 背靠28万平方米的迪拜山庄购物商场前拥145万平方米的中心公园 左邻迪拜山庄四栋高级写字楼 是迪拜山庄最值得投资的公寓项目 单价仅2160迪拉姆一平尺 共209套 整层2500万迪左右共九套 一居室796平尺左右(约74平) 158-186万迪 均价172万迪左右 两居室1331平尺左右(约124平) 279-339万迪 均价310万迪左右 三居室1840平尺左右(约171平) 400-451万迪 均价439万迪左右 80/20付款计划 平均每年付20% 2028年11月完工交付 周日12pm整层/半层/四套及以上注册 单套抢房周一下午3/4/5点系统抢⌨️

Dubai Golden Visa

The Dubai government announced that 158,000 golden visas were issued last year, which is almost double the 79,617 golden visas issued in 2022.Without any language/education/funding requirements, buying a property can be a one-step process; not only is it a tax-free haven for allocating US dollar assets, but it can also

Sobha Reserve!

An exquisite abode with a niche set of exquisite villas situated in the heart of an idyllic green luxury gated community that encompasses bouldering walls, exotic flower-patterned clusters and tree-lined walkways. The size of each villa starts from 4900 sq. ft.